Friday, March 27, 2009

Visit to Nana and Papa’s

The twins turned 4 months this past week.  So we figured it was time to start sleep training ala the Ferber method.  For those that don’t know, this is the process where sleep-deprived parents subject their children to a battery of neglectful and stressful situations.  Let’s just call it a chance for the kids to “figure it out” on their own.  And after a few days (5 or 6 in our case), the kids just magically get the hang out.

So after a week of sleeping 11-ish hours/night, we decided to shake things up and head to Nana and Papa’s house for the weekend.  All kidding aside, although the change of scenery messed with their sleep cycles a bit, we all had a great time in Rocklin.

Jack is sporting his new lid.IMG_6087

Our good friends, Nancy and Chris, meet the twins.IMG_6089

Jack says “Happy Birthday” to Papa.IMG_6094


Happy Grandparents!


Siena poses for the camera, while Jack discovers “buttons” on his shirt.IMG_6098

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