Sunday, July 12, 2009

La Petite Baleen

We started swim class today!   What a blast!  The LRD's taught us about La Petite Baleen and so we have been patiently waiting for our turn to join swim class.  We go every Sunday at 2:30 pm and this Sunday was our first time.  Although it was short, 30 minutes (actually 20 by the time the new parents figured everything out), it was great and both Kevin and I didn't want it to end. 

Jack did really well.  He was calm and splashed in the water.  He was floating on the large mat and inner tube, went through a tunnel on his back (with the assistance of our instructor Todd) and went under water for the first time with the help of Daddy!  He even wore baby goggles as you can see below.  He was a really good sport and I think overall enjoyed it.

Siena on the other hand, had a hard time.  We think all the commotion of the pool and people scared her a bit.  She spent the first 10 minutes crying in Daddy's arms and then next 10 minutes crying in Mommy's arms.  But she was a very good sport and stuck it out in the pool.  We just gently swam with her and bounced in the water.  Hopefully this week she will become more comfortable and see all the cool stuff there is to do in a swimming pool.  We can't wait to get up to Nana & Papa's this summer and show off their new skills!

Thank you to Justine for taking these pictures.  With both parents in the pool we couldn't have captured these precious moments of their 1st time in the water.  Thank you Hoosie!  xxoo

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