Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cable Car

Today was a day of "firsts" for the twins.  Their first cable car ride.  Their first meal in a restaurant.  And their first time getting kicked out of a bar.

The family got all decked out and rode the Hyde Street Cable Car down to the water.  We walked around Aquatic Park and up to Ghirardelli Square.  Lunch was had at a new deli (don't remember the name) near the fountain.  Megan and Kevin shared a panini and a salad, while the kids slept in the Bjorns.

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Then it was Happy Hour.  We had this grand idea that we could walk into Buena Vista, belly up to the bar and enjoy an Irish Coffee and a Guinness.  It would be so cool for the twins!  However, as soon as we stepped up, the bar man told us no kids allowed at the bar.  We would have to sit at a table for service.  Which we did.  And it was very nice.  Although the entire patron population wouldn't stop staring at us.  4 minutes and 26 seconds later, we were out of there.  

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