Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Headbands are Making a Comeback!

Check out this outfit, given to Siena by her Nonnie. Both her Zia Anne and her Mommy wore this outfit when they were babies. The headband is compliments of Auntie Julie.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Two Months Old

Megan conducted a photo shoot of the twins to commemorate their 2-month birthday.  You just try to tell me these kids aren't cute.

Photos 039

Photos 023

Monday, January 12, 2009

Zia Comes to Visit

Zia (this means Aunt in Italian) Anne came for a visit this weekend.  It was such a big help to have her around.

She got to spend some time with the babies and really get to know them...Photos 023

...Uncle John came over as well (3 McGourty kids in the house simultaneously = LOTS of talking)...

 Photos 026

...and what would a trip to San Francisco be without a stop at Ottimista (the twins' first of many Otti outings).

Photos 019

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


"Mommy." The word is somewhat daunting; and the responsibility and pressures, both internal and societal, can be overwhelming. I thought "wife" was challenging. I mean, making sure the husband has his slippers, newspaper and glass of Scotch upon his arrival home must be an arduous task in itself. But Mommy? I know that I certainly wouldn't be able to live up to it.

Once upon a time, I got a say in who my wife would be. Granted, fate seemed to have made the choice as it took all of about an hour to make my decision one cold December night 9+ years ago. But at least I was involved in the decision process. Jack and Siena, however, had no choice in who would become their mommy. Luckily for my kids, though, they have Megan. And they couldn't have been more fortunate.

For anybody who knows Megan, you know that she has an acute attention for detail. During her pregnancy, she did all the right things to nurture those little beings growing inside: she ate really well, never drank, played music on her belly and generally maintained a positive state of mind. The pregnancy was so successful that she made it to the 39th week - a very rare feat for twins.

As a mom, she is spectacular. Now I'm not saying Megan is some sort of super-mommy. Juggling double the diapers and feedings all while blow-drying her hair and signing a hundred thank-you notes - she actually does that. But that's not the point. The point is that she is in love with her family. And it shows. Certainly, she takes care of the kids' immediate needs. But she also thinks hard about their future and is willing to do what it takes to prepare them for success. Not every day is easy (in fact, most are very exhausting), but through it all Megan consistently stays positive and showers the babies with love. And all of this without needing to grow six new tentacles.

Yes, my children are lucky. But I consider myself to be the most fortunate of them all.


Bath Time

Oooh, bath time is so fun!IMG_5606


And it makes me such a happy baby.IMG_5600

We Refuse to Sleep

I just thought this picture was cute.

Photos 012

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cable Car

Today was a day of "firsts" for the twins.  Their first cable car ride.  Their first meal in a restaurant.  And their first time getting kicked out of a bar.

The family got all decked out and rode the Hyde Street Cable Car down to the water.  We walked around Aquatic Park and up to Ghirardelli Square.  Lunch was had at a new deli (don't remember the name) near the fountain.  Megan and Kevin shared a panini and a salad, while the kids slept in the Bjorns.

Photos 003

Then it was Happy Hour.  We had this grand idea that we could walk into Buena Vista, belly up to the bar and enjoy an Irish Coffee and a Guinness.  It would be so cool for the twins!  However, as soon as we stepped up, the bar man told us no kids allowed at the bar.  We would have to sit at a table for service.  Which we did.  And it was very nice.  Although the entire patron population wouldn't stop staring at us.  4 minutes and 26 seconds later, we were out of there.