Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baker Beach

With all the continued beautiful weather we decided to take the kids to the beach today.  We explored Baker Beach for the first time with Jack & Siena.  With sands toys in hand we set-up on Baker Beach and enjoyed the warm weather while playing in the sand and water.  The kids loved it and if they had their way would play in the sand and water for hours. 

A special thank you for Nana for the adorable summer outfits that both Jack & Siena are sporting in the pictures below. 

Before we headed to the beach we were playing at home.  We asked the twins to hold hands and they immediately grab each other’s hands.  So cute!  We had to catch that on film! : )

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another Day at Golden Gate Park

We took advantage of the gorgeous weather this weekend and went to play at Golden Gate Park.  We couldn’t pass up the carrousel!  The twins are getting so big that they basically climb and walk on the play structures, go down the slides and get right back up all on their own.  When did they get so big and fearless?

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

1st Trip to Cal Berkeley

The twins lives are now complete.  They have been to Berkeley and even better have stormed the field of Memorial Stadium. : )  Ok, ok, maybe their lives are not complete but much fuller now that they have been to Berkeley.

We joined Molly, Grossman and Titash today for Cal Day.  This is the weekend where accepted students for the upcoming school year can come and experience the school.  They have a variety of sports being played (football, baseball, etc.), open lectures, music, food, social and academic clubs, etc. 

We took Jack & Siena to Memorial Stadium and watched the end of the football scrimmage.  Then the four of us stormed the field and basically followed Jack around.  He was in heaven running back and forth on the field.  He was crying because he didn’t want to leave. 

Then we had a nice picnic with Molly, Grossman and Titash on the Glade.  We had fun again, running after Jack as he took full advantage of the large grass area.

We even stopped by the Cal Store to pick up a few new Cal outfits for the twins and Dad. 

But, the best part of the day was to see Kevin with his family at one of the most important and special places of his life.  It was exciting to watch him enjoy Cal in a different way and through two different sets of eyes.  Love you Kevbo!


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The Family in front of the Campanile!


Two very tired babies driving home from their first Cal Berkeley day!

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Visit to Rocklin

We went up to Rocklin this weekend to spend time with the Roberts’ clan.  It was a treat to spend time with Jilene as we hadn’t seen her for almost 5 years!  We attempted to take another group photo of the kids but as you can tell it didn’t go over so well.  We will keep trying!

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Siena’s 1st Haircut

Well, Megan finally gave in and we decided to cut Miss Siena bangs.  The poor thing had hair in her eyes all the time and wasn’t always agreeable to wearing barrettes so now she is sporting a new do! : ) 

She was a trooper and sat very still and did not cry or complain once.  She was such a good girl and is SO CUTE with her short bangs.  It was an official trip with a special certificate and little envelope saving the cuttings of her baby hair. 

Way to go Siena!  We love you sweetheart!


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AFTER (Ta-dah!!!  Beautiful little girl!)

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Jack came along to support his sister on her 1st haircut.  What a nice brother!! Then it was his turn! : )

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