Sunday, May 31, 2009

Siena Loves Her Feet

Siena loves her feet.  As most babies she plays with them but above and beyond that she tries to eat them any chance she gets.  It's pretty cute.  Here are a few pictures of her enjoying her feet!IMG_6621 IMG_6618


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photo Shoot

We couldn't resist taking a ton of photos of our sweet babies today.  Siena is very lucky to have a ton of beautiful hand me downs but Jack has to rely on Mommy for his duds.  But, that is great for Megan as she gets to go shopping for Jack regularly.  He is sporting one of his new, cute outfits in these pictures.

2009-05-30 Photo Shoot1

We couldn't forget sweet Siena so we did a few more pictures of the twins together.  Sweet brother and sister! : )

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Siena Sleeping with Her Lovey

IMG_6551Our great friends, Dawn & Southie, gave each of the babies personalized "loveys" when they were born.  Since the babies started sleeping in their cribs we have put the loveys in there with them so they could snuggle or play with them.  Siena had discovered a new use for her lovey.  Almost every time  we put Siena down for a nap or night time she grabs the lovey and pulls it over her face.  At first we were terrified and would take it off her face and lay it next to her.  However, before we are even out of their nursery room door, she would have it back over her entire head/face.  She loves it and now that we know she is safe and can breathe, we get a kick out of seeing her.  I guess when she is an adult she will need an eye mask to sleep at night! : )

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dobson Visit

The Dobson's were in town this weekend so they came by for a visit with the twins.  We finally got a great picture of Graham holding one of the babies.  : )


Friday, May 22, 2009

Hanging with Papa & Nonnie

We had Mom and Greg over this weekend for a THANK YOU dinner for all their support and love over the past year+ with the babies!  We started with baths and feeding the babies and then a little play time before going to bed.  We love you Mom & Greg!  Thank you from all of us for you endless love and support!  


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Six Months

Where does the time go?  We can't believe our sweet babies are already SIX months!  We did a little impromptu HALF BIRTHDAY celebration for the twins today. 

Jack and Siena are amazing and surprise us every day.  They are both rolling over, starting to sit-up, eating like little champs, sleeping great through the night, babbling all day long and full of smiles.  We are truly blessed.  We are excited for the adventures to come in the next six months.IMG_6459IMG_6518IMG_6476

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hot Day in San Francisco

During our minor heat wave in the City this week the babies spent a lot of time in their "underwear."  These are just a few pictures of the babies trying to keep cool while playing on the floor together.  They have definitely discovered their feet and the ability to play/eat with them 24/7!  Pretty fun!IMG_6410IMG_6400IMG_6439IMG_6397IMG_6430

Thursday, May 14, 2009

High Chair Time!

The babies have graduated to high chairs today.  Thanks to Nonnie the babies have been outfitted in style.  They seem to be adjusting well and getting the hang of being "big kids."100_0297 100_0300IMG_6369IMG_6370

Saturday, May 9, 2009

We Love Beets!

We are so lucky to have babies that love to eat!  They seem to be loving all foods including their veggies.  Beets in particular are always a favorite not only for the babies but for us too.  How cute are they with all that color on their faces! 


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Story Time

Molly uses that law degree to read a bedtime story to Jack.
