Saturday, February 28, 2009

Let Them Eat...Apples?

IMG_5933 Siena tries out her first apple. Granted, it's a pretty big bite, but the apple was really, really good.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bon Voyage

IMG_5884 Kevin went on a business trip to Dublin, Ireland this week.  It was rough - with Uncle Dan in tow, the two "business men" flew coach, suffered through endless meetings and fought jet lag in order to push The Firm's agenda.  Ok, maybe a Guinness or two was consumed along the way, but really it was work.  Seriously.  In any event, the kids missed Daddy. 


IMG_5929Luckily, Zia and Nonnie came to stay with them and help out throughout the week.

The homecoming was worth the IMG_5928wait.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sleeping in the Crib

Major milestone today!  Two babies sleeping in their own crib!  Not to be under-emphasized, if we can keep this up for all naps and night sleeping, it will free up the office and our bedroom.  It will also give a purpose to the nursery other than being a storage room.

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3 Months Old!

Just catching up on some pictures.  Here are the twins at 3 months.  Major milestones are the ability to hold their head up during "tummy time" (for Siena); and the ability to look strikingly similar to Papa Don (for Jack).

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mickey & Minnie

Megan's colleague surprised the twins with a delivery of 3 feet tall, stuffed Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.  We couldn't resist taking pictures of the twins with them.  IMG_5835 IMG_5844


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Meet The Twins

On Valentine's Day, Nonnie and Zia Anne hosted a wonderful cocktail party at Nonnie and Papa's home so family and friends could meet Jack & Siena.

With the babies all dressed up in their special outfits, lots of family from the McGourty side as well as other friends and family came to meet Jack & Siena.

Nonnie and Zia made some very delicious food including lettuce cups, caprese skewers, carmalized onion tarts, and frittata. All the special touches including the decorations and party favors (little candy pacifiers) made the party so fun and personal.

Although Jack slept through most of the party, he was sure to make an appearance at the end sporting his new argyle sweater, socks and kahki pants. : )

Thank you to Nonnie, Zia, Papa, Uncle Graham and Harrison for all you did to make the party so special and our family feel so loved.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Road Trip

The family made our first road trip this week. Kevin took some time off work and we headed up to Rocklin to visit Nana and Papa. The babies did great on the drive and didn't make a peep. Jack slept most of the way and Siena watched the world go by. She is much to curious to sleep. : )

We spent 5 nights in Rocklin and had a great time. Siena and Jack did great and actually slept the longest they ever have during the middle of the night making it until 6 a.m. Obviously they are very happy and comfortable at their Nana and Papa's.

Nana and Papa literally turned their home over to us or better yet to their grand children. Bottle stations, bath stations, play areas, nap areas, laundry galor, etc. were all over their home. We all felt right at home. THANK YOU Nana and Papa.

Luckily Aunt Mary and Uncle Tim were in town so Siena and Jack were able to meet their Aunt and Uncle. Aunt Mary was great and took very good care of Siena when she was fussy and let her fall asleep on her chest.

On the last day, the foursome made a visit to Nana's work. Everyone was so nice and came to see the twins. It was very special and Jack and Siena can't wait to go back. Their Aunt Kourtney spoiled them again with another very nice gift, personalized HUGE hooded bath towels that her mother-in-law made. They are amazing, soft and perfect! We use them every day and can't remember what we did without them.

Jack and Siena can't wait to return to Rocklin especially when it is warm and can play in the pool!