Saturday, November 29, 2008

Megan's Birthday

Megan had her 29th (ahem!) birthday on Sunday, so we decided to have an adult night out. The evening consisted of dinner at a favorite eatery - Frascati. IMG_5399 It was our first time "away from the kids." Anne, Rita and Greg were kind enough to come over to watch the little ones while we had a lovely meal.

As you can see, Siena didn't want Mom to leave.


More pictures here:

Thursday, November 27, 2008


IMG_4845This Thanksgiving, we have even more for which to be thankful.  Helping us celebrate the arrival of Jack and Siena were the extended Roberts clan.  Tony, Gigi, Emily and Christian spent the week in San Francisco - mixing in work, sightseeing and babysitting duties.IMG_5388

Mom and Dad (Millie and Don) brought all the Thanksgiving food from Rocklin (thanks for cooking Mom) and we feasted in style.

2008-11-22 Jack & Siena - Day 6

Bath Time


We finally bathed our kids.  It was time.  IMG_4869





IMG_4850Both took the washing like champs and I'd say they clean up pretty well.IMG_4887

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve

Just a quick video of life at the Roberts household on the eve of Thanksgiving. Obviously, our kids are perfect as neither makes a peep during this entire clip. Enjoy!

Monday, November 24, 2008

First Outing

Siena gets checked out while Megan dresses Jack in the backgroundSiena and Jack had their first pediatrician appointment today.  So it was back in the car seats and off we went to Dr. Simons office.  Both checked out real well.  Although they both are still under their birth weights, it seems they have leveled off and are starting to gain some back.  Also, the doctor measured each at 19 inches long.  So they're growing.


After the appointment, the kids were passed out so we went across the street to Spruce, a local restaurant/bar, and had a couple nibbles and a drink.  Our first family outing. Jack and his zebra Siena loves panda bears

Friday, November 21, 2008

Coming Home

IMG_5324On Friday, the hospital kicked us out of our 5-star suite and made us take the babies home. So we dressed them in their first outfits, strapped them into their car seats, and loaded the little guys into the car. Kevin drove about 4 miles per hour down the side roads while both kids screamed at the top of their lungs. However, within a few blocks all was silent and we now have an extra line of defense whenever we need to pacify them late at night.IMG_5328


Monday, November 17, 2008

Birth Day

The twins arrived today! Megan went into the hospital for her scheduled c-section at 2pm and our family was born a little over an hour later.

At 3:05pm, Jack Thomas came out weighing 6 lbs. 2 oz. and measuring 18 inches long. Jack was screaming with really good lungs and scored a 9 out of 10 on his Apgar test.

Two minutes later, at 3:07pm, our beautiful baby girl Siena Eileen arrived. She was 6 lbs. 1 oz and 18 1/4 inches long. Not to be outdone, Siena also scored a 9 on the Apgar. So both our kids are straight-A students thus far.

Mom did really great! First of all, carrying twins for 38.5 weeks is a remarkable task. The fact that they came out so big (for twins) and healthy is a testament to how well Megan took care of herself and her babies during the pregnancy. She is a true hero.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Full Term

Megan hit 37 weeks on Wednesday. That's full term according to the experts. Therefore, the babies are fully developed and ready to hit the outside world. Only, they don't seem ready to do so just yet.
At our last appointment on Tuesday, they poked, prodded and measured the little guys. Both appear to be super healthy - about 6.5 lbs. for the girl and 6 lbs. for the boy. She's an eater apparently. To the right is a very freaky 3-d image of the baby girl. The boy was hiding, so no pic this time.
Also at the appointment, Megan's doctor said he does not want the babies to go past 39 weeks. That means that they will be among us sometime before November 19th. Stay tuned...