We headed down to San Mateo today to meet up with some of our friends and their little ones at Central Park for the Easter Celebration. It was so weird being back there because all these memories from my childhood came flooding back! It was wonderful but weird at the same time. It was great to pass along this new experience to Jack & Siena (and Kevbo too!)
The kids had a blast and didn’t want to leave!
Here are a ton of pictures to enjoy…
Our Sweet Easter Babies (or Big Kids!)
Watching the Easter Parade

More Cute Photo Opportunities

Playing at the Playground with all our friends (and enjoying a chocolate Easter egg from the Mercer girls!)
In the pictures below are Charlie, Julia and Kieran Kingsbury, Elliott Jue, Elle and Eva Mercer, and of course, Jack & Siena!
And the best part of the day – THE TRAIN! Who let’s their kids play on the train tracks! Geez!

Jack & Siena did awesome! They went on the train all by themselves. We explained that we couldn’t go with them and they were fine. Not one tear, not one clingy moment! They were excited, waved goodbye and were off! And yes, of course Megan did cry as they rode away! : )